The Helsinki International Boat Show starts in two days and we are thrilled to present a large range of popular Bella models, including the stylish and affordable 640 DC. The day cruiser that combines excellent design features with practicality and comfort. Welcome to Helsinki! Find...
Bella Boats is making the most of hockey season while the boating season is just around the corner! While Kalpa do their thing on the ice, we’re preparing the fleet for your activities on the water!
#bellaboats #madeinkuopio #kalpahockey #ilovekuopio #boatinglife #sportsallday #boatinglife #lakelandfinland #boatingfun...
The tradition and history of Bella Boats moves into a new and exciting phase, and our online store continues to serve you with everything you need for your boat,and for you!
#bellaboats #everythingforboating #bellaboatsonlineshop #bellalife #boatingtradition #boatinglifestyle #lifestyleshop #boatinggear #boatsandmore #boatsboatsboats #boating_life
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